Together we lead a team of specialized Royalty Audit Experts who consistently uncover inaccurate reporting for our clients around the world

OUR GOAL is to help IP owners maximize the value of their license portfolio through positive interactions with their Licensees  yielding thorough and supported audit results that add to their bottom line today.

InvotexIP is dedicated to helping our clients collect what they are contractually due and deserve. Our royalty audits enable open and respect driven communication and generate a clear understanding of the financial aspects of the contracts moving into the future. Mistakes happen. You will never know the true magnitude until you do a full royalty audit.

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Debora Rose

Founder and Managing Director

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Debora has been working in the Intellectual Property Consulting world for over 25 years. Arguably, Debora has personally managed more royalty audits than anyone else in the industry. She has often assisted her clients to resolve misreporting as well as provided testimony as an expert on behalf of her clients.


Kristen Anton

Managing Director 

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Kristen provides a full suite of intellectual property consulting services including royalty audits, desk audits and other investigation and verification services. She understands financial systems from the ground up and has over 25 years of experience in auditing, financial analysis, and business management & accounting.